4 The Hell of it 2023

4 The Hell of It 2023

WOD 1 – 8 Min Cap – Favour the Brave

40 GTOH 40/29

Max Cals Ass Bike

40 GTOH 40/29


WOD 2A + 2B – Rowing Balls

Minutes 0-8

Alt Full Rounds x 4

20/15 Cal Row

20 Wallballs

Min 8-10 Rest

Min 10-12

Max Cal Row + Max Wallball


WOD 3 – Deka the Halls – 10 Min Cap

100 Lunges 

80 Box Overs

60 Squats

40 Burpees

Females will use as 22lb RAM 

Males will use a 15kg Sandbag

Box overs are unweighted and 20″ for all



Crossfit Clitheroe