HYROX Thursday 6-5-21

HYROX Thursday

Warm-Up: 6:00 AMRAP

1:00 Slow Pace CV

1:00 Walk-Outs 

1:00 Alt Lunges

1:00 Up Downs

1:00 Fast Pace CV



Work-Out: FOR TIME

A: 10 Alt Full Rounds

8/6 Cal Row

8/6 Cal Bike 

8/6 Cal Ski

*Resting partner must sanitise hands then wait on the rower until working person returns to the start.

B: 10 Alt Full Rounds

2 x Farmers Carry + 1 Burpee Broad Jump + Run Back to the start

*If using same kettle bells – Sanitise Hands

C: 10 Alt Full Rounds

1 Length walking Lunge walk + 60m HIITMill Run + 1 length lunge walk

*Resting partner must sanitise hands then wait at the end of the turf for the working person return to the start.


Crossfit Clitheroe