Friday 19-2-21

It’s not to late to join a few of us this weekend competing at the HYROX Virtual Championship Of Fitness.

We will be streaming a couple of the work-outs live online (check out our social media for details)

CC@Home 19-2-21

Warm-Up: 5:00 AMRAP

8 Shoulder Circles (Forward and Back)

8 Toe Touches

8 Stripper Squats

8 Walk-outs


Strength: Every 2:00 For 8 Rounds

12 Deadlifts

9 Hang Power Cleans


*This can be done with – a dumbell or dumbbells / kettle bells / sand bag or bar

* Body Weight Option – 15 Toe Touches + 10 Down-ups + 5 Push-ups


Conditioning: 10 Rounds

10 Alt Weighted Lunges

5 Double Push-up Burpees


Crossfit Clitheroe