Wednesday 2-12-20

CC@Home 2.0


Warm-Up: 6:00 AMRAP

6 Air Squats

6 Cal Bike / 15 Jacks

6 KB Deadlifts

6 Med Ball Press


Work-Out: Every 3:00 For 10 Rounds

15 Wall Balls / Thrusters

12 Box Overs

9 Russian Swings 24/16

AMRAP Cal Bike  *Aim to have approx 45-60sec on the bike each round (Jacked-up downs)

*If you start to struggle or get less than 45 secs on the bike reduce reps to 12 or 9.


Finisher (Optional) 9:00

10 / 1

Toes To Bar / Knee Raises



CCHIIT (Mezzanine)

1:00 Row / Bike Or Battle Ropes

1:00 SB Clusters

1:00 Row / Bike Or Battle Ropes

1:00 SB Devil Press

1:00 Row / Bike Or Battle Ropes

1:00 Sit-ups

1:00 Rest

5 Rounds

*Please ensure if using multiple CV equipment you clean handles and hands during rest breaks


Crossfit Clitheroe