Tuesday 24-11-20

CC@Home 2.0


Warm-Up: 5:00 AMRAP

Min 1: Jacks

Min 2: Walk-Outs

Min 3: Squat Hold

Min 4: Stripper Squats

Min 5: Kosak Squats

Strength: 15:00 Every 3:00

10 Jump Squats

10 Box Steps / Jumps

10 Weighted Squats 

10 Weighted Lunges



*For weighted movements use what you have a available, if your weight isn’t heavy enough perform your reps with a slow eccentric tempo.


Buy In: 80 Alt Lunges

Then Complete 10 Rounds

5 Deck Squats Or 10 1 & 1/2 Air Squats

5 Bear Crawls (2m out and back = 1 rep)

Buy Out: 80 Alt Lunges




Work-Out: Every 3:00 For 10 Rounds Complete

Complete 2 Rounds Of Cindy 

5 Pull-ups / Sub for high Pulls

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

*With Remaining time Make your way through the following Chipper:

50 Jacks + 50 V-sits







Crossfit Clitheroe