CCX MONDAY 13-9-21

CCX MONDAY 13-9-21

Warm-Up: x 3 Rounds

10 Jacks

10 Alt Lunge

10 Toe Touches

10 Air Squats

30 sec squat hold


Part A: Skill Development

Level 1: 10:00 AMRAP

10 Single Alt Box Pistols

5 Burpees

Level 2: 10:00 AMRAP

10 Alt Pistols

5 Double Push-Up Burpees


Part B: Strength / Conditioning 

20:00 AMRAP

5 Power Cleans 70-80%

10 Toes To Bar / Knee Raises

15 Wall Balls

*Barbell load should require the reps to be broken up*

Suggested loads 80/55 – 70/50 – 60/45

Crossfit Clitheroe