TempleFitness 14-04-21

TempleFitness Weights Program

Wednesday – Legs

4 x 6 Barbell Back Squats – RPE 8 – Rest 3:00 (Every rep should hit full depth; Hip crease parallel to or below the knees. Keep chest elevated and feet flat. These reps should be heavy and challenging)

3 x 8-12 Leg Press Machine – RPE 6-7 – Rest 1:30 (Feet should be at a comfortable stance, around hip width apart. Drive through the middle of the foot)

3 x 8-12 Lying Leg Curl Machine – RPE 6-7 – 1:30 (Keep hips on the padding/don’t let your bum rise. best way to do this is to keep a tight core)

4 x 10 Leg Extensions + 10 x Stiff Leg DB Deadlifts – RPE 7 – Rest 1:00 (Eccentric portion for both movements should be slow and controlled. Maybe add a 3 sec countdown for the way down. These sets should isolate the Quadriceps and Hamstrings)


RPE – Rate of Perceived Exertion; how hard/intense the work feels on a scale of 1-10

Superset – A combination of two exercises in one set, should be completed one straight after the other with the rest period after the second movement 

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