Monday 12-4-21

We Are Back!!!!!


Warm-up: 3 Rounds

10/8 Cal

20 Banded Good Mornings

10 Barbell Stripper Squats


Strength: Every 2:00 x 6 Rounds

Keep weight to a load that each set can be done unbroken, and at a consistent Pace.

10 Back Squats

10 KB Stiff Leg Deadlifts


Conditioning: For Time

50 Wall Balls

50/42 Cal Bike

50 Box Overs 20” (Box Length ways)



4min work 1 min rest – 2 rounds

1- 50 goblet squats
Amrap burpees
2 –50 kB swings
Amrap cals
3 –50 box jump/step
Amrap burpees
4 – 50 GTOH


Crossfit Clitheroe