Friday 23-10-20



Warm-Up / Work-out 1

10:00 AMRAP (For technique not volume)

10 Body rows

10 Paralett Dips

10 Ab Mats

*For the rows and the dips try to work on a 3-0-x-1 Tempo



Strength 10:00 (Shoulder Press)

EMOM X 3 Reps @ 75-85%



Work-Out 2

10:00 AMRAP

5 Pull-ups

5 Shoot Through or 5 Paralett Press-ups + 5 Dips

10 Ab Wheels or 20 V-sits




CCHIIT (Lunch Time Session)

Warm-Up: 4:00 AMRAP


Dips / Body Rows


20 Sec Paralett Push-ups

10 Sec Rest

20 Sec Bicep Curls

10 Sec Rest

20 Sec Sand Press 

10 Sec Rest

20 Sec Ski

10 Sec Rest

20 Sec Sit-ups

x 8 Rounds

Crossfit Clitheroe