Wednesday 28-10-20



Warm-Up: 10:00

30 Banded Side steps Each Direction

30 Banded Good Mornings

10 Single Leg Step-ups each leg

30 Banded Good Mornings

30 Banded Side Steps Each Direction

-Remaining time build to starting load


Strength: EMOM X 10:00

Every Minute complete 3 Deadlifts @ approx 70%

*If you don’t have a 70% you can increase load each set to find a heavy 3


30 Deadlifts @ 60/40

20 Box Overs 24”/20” (30” length)

10 D balls 50/30

20 Box Overs

30 Deadlifts

20 Box Overs

10 D Balls


*Deadlift should be a comfortable load (scale to 48/32kg KB)

*D Ball Weight can Be scaled for men to 42 or 30, Female can scale to KB Power Clean



CCHIIT (Lunch Time Session)

Warm-Up: 5:00

10 Step- overs

10 Banded Dislocates 

5 Broad Jumps 1m2

5 Push-ups


Work-Out: 10 RFT (20:00 Cap)

10 Alt d/b snatch

9 Box Over Jumps

8 1m2 Burpee Broad Jumps

*Any Remaining Time AMRAP 

8 X Ab Mats + 8 X Ab Wheels



CC Metcon


4 Rounds:

10 push ups

10 squats ( 3 seconds down, 2 seconds hold)

10 burpees

10 split jerk strict press



Split Jerk (Practice)

5 Min set up and warm up

EMOM x 10

– 2 Split Jerks

*Either Increase or Focus on Technique 



EMOM x 20 (5 Rounds)

Min 1:  10/12 Weighted step overs (KB Goblet position)

Min 2: 10/11/12 Burpees

Min 3: 20/25 KB Swings 24kg/16kg

Min 4: 30sec easy Cal Bike

Crossfit Clitheroe