Tuesday 6-4-21

CC@Home 6-4-21

PREP: 8:00 AMRAP – Focus on movement rather than speed.

10 Arm Circles Forward & Backwards

8 Walk-Outs (No Push-ups)

6 Head Touch Push-Ups

4 Alt Lunges with rotation (each leg)


EMOM x 12:00

Minutes 1-4 =

10 Strict Press (Use tempo if loading is light)

Minutes 4-8 =

10 Push Press (Use tempo if loading is light)

Minutes 8-12=

10 Push Jerk (work Movement)


Conditioning: 15:00 CAP

Buy In: 100 Alt Lunges 

Then 10 Rounds

10 SDHP – Shin To Chin

5 Double Push-Up Burpees

Buy Out: 100 Alt Lunges

Crossfit Clitheroe